Look for jb florist (florist johor bahru) and same day delivery?

Look for Jb Florist (Florist Johor Bahru) and same day delivery?

T.C Florist can help you!

T.C Florist is a Jb florist shop (florist Johor Bahru) had provide wide range florist product.

That includes bouquet for different occasion, such as anniversary, birthday, graduation and wedding. Moreover, they also provide opening stand (opening shop gift) to help you sending your warm wishes to your business buddy and condolence stand to convey your sympathy message to deceased’s family.

Now let look about the product!



 Roses Bouquet



Other Modern Design 

Traditional Opening Stand


Tripod Opening



Condolence Stand

Moreover, they also provide modern trend bouquet such as preserve flower, dry bouquet, and
nowdays super famous flower bubble balloon, that also can insert paper money inside!

Preserve Rose Bouquet 

Dry Flower Bouquet

Flower Bubble Balloon

Beside that, they also provide lily flower and rose bouquet. A lily look elegant compared to other flower.The colour pink stands for love, admiration, compassion, femininity and understanding. Shades of yellow encourage feelings of happiness, joy and lightheartedness.

Lily Bouquet

Rose are the most common type choose by customer.

White rose represent purity, innocent.

Yellow rose represent warm felling of friendship.

Pink rose show elegance, refinement and sweetness.

Purple rose mean fall in love someone.

Before purchase customer have to understand each individual meaning.




Regarding the delivery, they include free delivery in whole JB area. Those customer keen send flower by florist Johor Jaya, florist Skudai, florist Bukit Indah. The surprise delivery Johor Bahru can perfectly done by them.

If you are outside JB area?
No worries, they will also can help you to deliver your flower with little more charges.

You may search more and place order on their website at https://jbflorist.com/ or contact 
011-21654899 for their customer services.

Address: 43 Jalan Perkasa 4, Taman Ungku Tun Aminah, 81300, Johor Bahru
(We are opposite Chinese medicine shop which inside Tang Ren Food Court )

Email: tang_chao_florist@hotmail.com 

Contact: 011-21654899


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